We are The Capitol Heights - an indie rock duo based in Washington, DC. We are currently writing music and playing shows. Check our site often to get our latest news, releases, and schedule.
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A few weeks back, our comrade Dan Barry sent us an invite to appear on a radio show called Voices From the DMV. We didn’t really know what to expect, but it was an offer to be on the radio, and we felt the world needed to hear us. We haven’t been on the radio more...
0 CommentsSeems like everybody’s got a music blog nowadays. And just like food, everybody wants it local. So let’s explore the music blogs in the DMV area. We would obviously push you to fervently read our blog as many times as you can, over and over. A music blog by local artists, for local artists? Exactly more...
0 CommentsWarning! This night was preeeeeetty crazy, yo. And because of that, this is a huge post with lots of pictures. Be prepared to deal. So we got invited to play this We Are The 9 event at Gypsy Sally’s from Justin Trawick about 2 weeks before the show. And the subsequent two weeks after were more...
0 CommentsWe are embarking on a long and treacherous journey we are calling the Open Mic Challenge. We have set our sights on playing every open mic available in the D.C. area and the map below shows our progress. You can learn about the challenge at our Open Mic Challenge page.